Welcome to Pilgrimage Healing
Balancing the Mind Body and Spirit

A Testimonial

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first asked you for a healing session. I have had deep trauma surrounding physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and abandonment.

When I came in for my session with you, my right shoulder and my heart had been aching all day. But when I left, I was healed and felt at total peace for one of only a few times in my life and my shoulder no longer hurts.

The experience was transformative, and while you were doing the work, I could feel the Holy Spirit fill me and lift me up, while the gentle hands of God were on my body in a way that made me feel completely loved, safe, and whole. Not since I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior have I had such a moment of utter knowing that everything truly will be OK, and that God has a plan for me which He is revealing each day.

I was so excited about this healing that when you told me you were going to hold a training, I couldn’t wait to sign up! And I truly can’t wait to learn so that others can experience this gift from God.

Thank you. You are one of the best healers I have ever met. And I genuinely love and appreciate you. More here

Clearwater, Florida


This is a life-long journey into wholeness. As an integrative healing process it creates harmony and balance in your life, your relationships, and your community. It occurs in an instant of transcendence, beyond self, beyond ego. It allows you to embrace what is most feared. It allows you to open to what has been closed, hardened and pushed deep into the subconscious mind. It allows you to express Self in its fullness, and begin to feel the connection between all things in creation.

The Pilgrimage Integrative Healing Process

In individual healing sessions, trained partners use a unique process that provides a peaceful atmosphere of safety and support.  During this period of relaxation, healing touch, and prayer, the client needs only to be open to receiving the benefits of the process.

What Are the Benefits?

Clients often report feelings of deep relaxation and peacefulness immediately following the session.  Other benefits reported include: lowered anxiety, diminished pain, improved mental outlook, and increased energy and connection to the healing power within.

How it Works

Called The Pilgrimage Integrative Healing Process, this unique approach is designed to support the innate healing ability that resides within each of us. Offering healing for the spirit, mind and body, it is based on two foundations:

1) That mind and body are connected in infinite ways, as science continues to demonstrate.

2) That there is a powerful energy within each of us that can be activated in the service of healing.

Can I Be Healed?

Our need for healing is universal. There are times when we feel out of balance, out of harmony with ourselves, our surroundings or other people. This disequilibrium may be manifested in our emotions, our physical bodies, or our spiritual condition. Often all three are affected. We can choose to live with this situation, or we can choose to move toward healthier change. The work of The Pilgrimage is to empower those who choose change. 

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Faith Factor in Healing

Theology and medicine can work together, Dr. Herbert Benson assured 500 persons at the Saturday meeting which packed the pews at St. John’s and overflowed into chairs set up at the front, back and side aisles of the church. Benson, founder and head of the Mind/Body Institute and a pioneer in studying the spiritual connection in healing, thinks people should think of health and well-being as a “three-legged stool” with each leg supporting the other.

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Can Touch Save Lives?

It’s been a long day. Yet the 67-year-old Episcopal priest—tanned, freckled, and lithe from daily workouts with her two sheltie dogs—is still electric with energy.

She’s talking about how the priestly mandate to heal those who knelt before her at the alter rail of this simple church some 6 years ago led her to reinterpret the ancient ritual called “laying on of hands.” 

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Prayer Poem

mission statement of pilgrimage healing

Living Spirits of Earth
Mother and Father of us all

You who holds us in Your breathe
You who bathes us in Your waters
who feed us with Your fruits

Guardian of where we are going
Of who we are becoming

Cradle of our days
And coffin of our nights

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About Prayer

Uplifting prayer is talking to God; meditation is listening to God. Prayer is talking, or speaking the word (logos). Prayer is the medium of miracles.Prayer can be applied to all creation. Pray for your garden, and watch it become fruitful. Pray for your children and watch them prosper. Pray for your animals and watch them shine. Pray for your business and watch it recover or expand.

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Best Relaxation


We consider these to be the best relaxation exercises to reduce stress. The best relaxation exercises always include deep breathing. They further suggest developing body awareness, applying slow muscle relaxation, and then, when in a restful state, following the breath to a deeper state where healing can occur.

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Marion Rosen


Marion, I heard you say that it isn’t necessary for us to talk about spirituality to people. Why is this?

This is something that has to come from the person’s own experience. When this happens, then it is valid, and we can talk about it further. But to say it from the outside, it is not something that means anything to anyone. It’s like when they preach at you in church, and you don’t get it …unless, you came with the experience of God and listen from that place. Then you hear it. It is the same with our work.

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Our History

The Pilgrimage began as a weekly spiritual development group called the Gathering. It was founded in 1990 by the Reverend Natalia (Tanya) Beck, who was serving as a priest at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Clearwater Florida. She was assisted by Dr. Marilyn Gatlin, Jean Holbrook and Judy Charmatz. The purpose of this group was to build a spiritual community, to help its participants feel God’s love, and share this love with others.

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Self Care


We are delighted to share these recommendations for self-care. Let The Pilgrimage healing experience be with you and be part of your healing experience. Part of our goal here is to offer you the choice to empower yourself by deepening your connection with Spirit and thus activate your God-given powers for self-healing.

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