Inner Peace Healing

inner peace healing

Laying On of Hands

The practice of laying on of hands for healing at The Pilgrimage may be characterized most succinctly as bringing into wholeness. It is not the same as curing. Although symptoms may indeed disappear, that is not our specific goal in the work that we do. The people we work with are benefited by awakening to the sure knowledge that they are loved. We understand that the source of healing is God, whose power is far beyond our ego selves and yet resides in us as well. Our intention is to help people find a relaxed, peaceful, spirit-filled state of being and to be opened to the inner healing source.

We approach this work by offering a safe, healing environment where trust can be established and people can feel connection instead of isolation. Our healing work has three aspects:

  1. Individual healing sessions which combine prayer with the laying on of hands (Phase I)
  2. The teaching of practices that foster healing of body, mind and spirit, and that encourage participants to take more responsibility for their own healing (Phase II)Spiritual community offered in the weekly Gatherings, retreats, Days of Prayer and other special events.

The Individual Session

Participants of the individual sessions usually experience relaxation. Most experience far more. Openness to the process is crucial. We recommend a series of sessions so that deeper trust can be established and deeper levels of healing attained. Some people’s experience goes far beyond relaxation and may include emotional release, spiritual awakening and life-changing decisions; and some are cured of specific diseases. The universal experience is of being cared for and reminded that one is not facing life’s challenges alone in an uncaring world.

Understanding the Core of the Pilgrimage

The theological/spiritual basis of our work is the commandment given by Jesus to his disciples to heal others, as well as to preach and teach. We believe in the transcendence of God, whose power is far beyond any healing power that we may have, and yet because that spirit is within us, healing can move through us when we set our egos aside, open ourselves to His love, and focus our intentionality and our prayers on the highest good of the client. While belief in Christ is at the core of our work, our services are open to all, whatever their belief system may be, and prayer is offered according to the faith orientation of the client. As long as they believe in a power beyond themselves, we do not care by what name they call that power. Some come unsure of their belief and out of touch with themselves. Love and compassion are the core of all that we do at The Pilgrimage. We believe in the power of community, where all are accepted and loved for who they are and are given the opportunity to serve others on the same journey.

How It Begins: Laying On Of Hands for Healing

In Phase I of The Pilgrimage Integrative Healing Process, individual sessions are offered on an appointment bases. Clients are greeted by two trained members of our healing team who offer them compassionate listening as they describe the symptoms or the situation for which they seek healing.

After that interview, in which sharing takes place and trust is established, they remove their shoes and take their place on the healing table. The healing partners hold their hands while praying aloud for healing and well-being. This is followed by suggestions for relaxation of body, mind and spirit, and then by hands-on healing. This laying on of hands for healing by the partners will sometimes consist of resting on the body, and at other times the hands will be moving above the body. This is a unique process which we have developed, and in which partners have been trained. The entire session lasts about an hour [healing times may vary]. There is no charge for the healing sessions, but donations to the work of The Pilgrimage are accepted.

Increasing Health and Well-Being

In Phase II, persons who have experienced a certain number of Phase I sessions and want to proceed by assuming more personal responsibility for their health and well-being are invited to participate in an eight-week course which focuses on the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit. In the one-and-a-half classes each week, attention is paid to each aspect of our human totality. Mind/Body strategies for dealing with stress are taught, as are various types of mediation, and each session includes spiritual practices. Emphasis is put on rebuilding self-esteem, which has often been diminished during the course of treatment for disease. Skills in cognitive restructuring and techniques to develop self-awareness are part of the program, and bonding between the members of the group naturally occurs.

The Above is from an article: Healing: Bringing into Wholeness
by Dr. Marilyn Gatlin and The Rev.Tanya Beck

Healing Sessions

Appointments may be made through our main office by calling  (727) 642-0464. There are daytime appointments available and evening appointments. Healing sessions may also be arranged in client’s home, or in hospitals and other-care facilities.

Trainings: Laying on of Hands for Healing

Training for the Pilgrimage Healing Team is offered several times a year and is led by Ann Kawalec, assisted by other experienced members of the team.

Applicants for the team are screened for personal and spiritual qualities and we are blessed with a group of sensitive, skillful, spirit-filled healers. This group includes nurses, physicians, clergy, massage therapists, counselors, business executives, members of the legal profession and others representing a broad diversity of occupations. All are dedicated to service in this ministry of healing and all are actively deepening their own spirituality.

Training includes learning about the mind/body/spirit connection, the power of prayer, the importance of centering, intentionality and compassionate listening, in addition to learning the specific hands-on sequence which we have developed and which is known as the Pilgrimage Integrative Healing Process. Healing partners, as they are called, learn to work together as if they are one, in an apprentice program where they work with a more experienced healing partner as long as necessary. They are taught, although most already know this when they come to us that the real power in healing is beyond where we place our hands. The Divine Love which is invoked through prayer is that power.