
We use these powerful affirmations for healing in our therapeutic sessions. They are designed to put you into a frame of mind that enables you to receive the universal healing energy available to us all. Focusing on your unending safety allows you to be able to receive the healing energies of Spirit. Centering on the breath allows the mind to become quiet. Your birthright is peace. Let this peaceful restful state be achieved in to you by employing these powerful affirmations for healing.


Regardless of my outer circumstances, I know that I am completely and eternally safe.

When I remember how precious the gift of life truly is, I feel grateful and alive.

Gratitude is the natural expression of my higher self that brings me into the wholeness of the moment.

When I put aside time for prayer, meditation and re-creation, everything flows more easily and gracefully.

I can approach all of life like a meditation, centering in the breath, and opening to the peace that is my birthright.

I can respond to situations from the security of my Higher Self, letting petty irritations pass without losing my balance.

Flexibility and the willingness to let go are helping me become more peaceful, creative, powerful, and loving.

I am letting go of my tendency to judge, recognizing that human reason is inadequate and seeking true understanding in the Spirit.

On Healing

“Only the wounded can heal.” At least only the compassionate Can know what healing is about And only the wounded can know How deeply, deeply healing is needed. After being wounded again and again And fiercely pierced And walking in utter loneliness Through dark nights and bright days For ever so long One learns Enough To know in one’s heart What healing is not.

Healing has to do with union and reunion Re-connection Re-Creation And becoming whole. Risking the exquisite and horrible Vulnerability of intimacy And intimacy of vulnerability. Healing is walking with another On life’s journey Being together Through suffering, change and growth. Healing is the depth connection Representing God in each of us Deep within ourselves And through the vast universe Always available For us Just as are some people, If only we will come Out of hiding.

from Carolyn Treadway


Healing Is:

A lifelong journey into wholeness.

Seeking harmony and a balance in ones’s own life, in family, community, and global relations. An instant transcendence—above and beyond the self.

Embracing what is most feared.

Opening what has been closed, softening what has been hardened into obstruction.

Creativity and passion and love.

Seeking and expressing self in its fullness, its light and shadow, its male and female.

Remembering what has been forgotten about connection, and unity, and interdependence among all things living and non-living.

Learning to trust life.

Jean Achterberg and Barbara Dossey   Rituals of Healing
Healing Affirmations

Vibrant health is mine now.

I am healthy and whole.

Perfect life is flowing through my entire body right now, doing its mighty work- cleansing, energizing and strengthening every cell.
My body and mind have the innate capacity to heal.
I am wondrously made of infinite love.
Every cell of my body is indelibly stamped with a clear picture of radiant life.
I am healthy, whole and well, and I give thanks that it is so.