self care

Self Care

We are delighted to share these recommendations for self-care.

LetThe Pilgrimage healing experience be with you and be part of your healing experience.

Part of our goal here is to offer you the choice to empower yourself by deepening your connection with Spirit and thus activate your God-given powers for self-healing.

recommendations for self care

When you awaken in the morning.

Before you get out of bed, gently stretch your body and acknowledge every part of it. This is your only body-appreciation; make sure it is in order.

Breathe slowly and deeply, feeling peace spreading throughout your spirit, mind and body. Thank God for this day and breathe in peace.

Savor this feeling. Return to it many times through the day.

Exercise your body

Walking for 15 minutes a day or more, with your mind focused on your breathing, can be beneficial on many levels.

If you have physical limitations, exercises in whatever way you are able to do so comfortably and mindfully. Blood flow will increase and endorphins will be released to enhance your sense of well-being.

Be mindful of what you put into your body.

Choose foods that are healthy for you.
For most people fruit, vegetables and plenty of water are essential.
If you are on a special diet, be disciplined in following it.

Being Still

Find time at least twice a day to be still.

It is important to become aware of your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly often.
Allow body, mind and spirit to let go of all interferences to peace.

Listen to the voice within that speaks to you of hope and love.

Renew your spirit daily through
prayer and meditation,
sacred or spiritual study,
music, art and nature.

Pay attention to your body’s need for rest.

A short nap may restore your energy when depleted.
At bedtime offer up the day you have just lived through to God.
Use relaxation recordings at bedtime and during periods of sleeplessness. Do not fight insomnia.