Getting there slowly

Getting There Slowly

The following suggestions are designed to help you maintain and enhance the benefits of your sessions:

  1. For your body: If possible, plan to have free time after your session so you can rest. Move slowly; do not hurry. Be aware of your breathing. Drink plenty of water and eat lightly when you are hungry.
  2. For your mind: If nagging concerns intrude upon your peacefulness, gently bid them goodbye. If they refuse to leave, look at them, write them down on a piece of paper and put them somewhere in your mind or in a file, a drawer- anywhere. You can take them back out and deal with them later. It will help to fix your mind on something that gives your mind rest: a word or phrase or passage from scripture, such as the 23rd Psalm.
  3. For your spirit: Remind yourself that to feel calm, balanced and relaxed is your natural state, God’s intention for you. Allow yourself to be filed with gratefulness for all the blessings of this life and offer prayers of thanksgiving. To be fully present is to be in the kingdom of God; do not allow expectations or concerns about the future to pull you out of the present moment. Look at something beautiful; listen to music that you love. Rest in God. Be at peace.

Remember: In the healing session, we hope you experienced being touched by the love of God. It is now your turn to love and be gentle with yourself. If you would like to share any part of your experience with us, we will be glad to listen. And we will be praying for you the following prayer:

May you remain open to the healing that is taking place within you.
May you understand that you are a co-creator with God of your own peace and well-being.
May your spirit be awakened to the beauty around you, and may the beauty within you awaken the spirit in the people around you.

Thank you for allowing the Pilgrimage partners to serve you.