The Healing Process

I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him who sent me.
I will not worry about what to do or what to say because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever he wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let him teach me to heal.
    Healing Preparation  from A Course In Miracles, Page 28, text. 

The Process Sequence

Note: In describing the various hand positions, upper refers to the hand closer to the head of the table; lower to the hand position closer to the foot. 

Guided Relaxation

Purpose: To assist the client in letting go of tension and anxiety. The purpose is to establish quiet breathing.

Practice: The leader quietly asks the client to focus on his breathing for a few moments, not trying to change it. If it appears that the client is not relaxing easily, it may help for the leader to lay a hand lightly on the client’s diaphragm and suggest “Breathe into my hand.”

When quiet breathing is established, ask that he focus with each out breath on the word or phrase mentioned in the interview. If no word has been chosen, ask him to focus on peace, with the further suggestion to allow distracting thoughts or feelings to pass through and to refocus on the breathing and the chosen word or phrase. Allow him to continue for a time, noticing any changes in breathing pattern and perceived level of relaxation. For return clients, this will usually be enough to induce relaxation.

For clients who appear nervous, a longer induction may be needed. You may ask them to visualize peace flowing through their minds and bodies, going deeper and deeper, bring light and warmth to every cell and every thought.

Connecting Prayer of Three

Purpose: To establish connections between the two healers, between them and the client, and with God/Spirit.

Practice: As healers take their positions at each side of the client, they take the client’s hand, holding it close to their body as they reach across to take each other’s upper hand, joining hands above the client’s heart and making eye contact with each other, in an instant of silence, while their lower hands hold the client’s.

The leader speaks the prayer, invoking the Presence of God or Spirit to create a sacred space and time where all may be joined in a circle of love and healing.

With first time clients, tell them before you start that you will be doing this- it will bring them consciously into the circle and allay anxiety. Example: “In this time and in this place, may there be a circle of love and healing which includes us all.”

Prayer of Intention

Purpose: To invoke healing for the client. It focuses on the client’s stated areas of concern, if any.

Practice: Letting go of your partner’s hand, hold the client’s hand in both of yours, holding it against your body (heart center) and making sure that the client’s elbow is not resting on the table. The leader prays, expressing faith in the healing power of God/Spirit (in harmony with the client’s belief system) offering thanks for the life of the client (by name) and for the privilege of serving in this way. You may offer specific requests for God’s presence in the situations that are troubling the client and for him/her to be open to that Presence. At the end of the prayer, gently lay the client’s hands at his/her side.  

Hands-On Sequence

General Instructions

The designated leader establishes the sequence and the pace. The other healing partner follows the lead, making sure that hands are placed in sync and in the same place, very slowly and consciously.

Touch should always be gentle and light.

At the end of a minute or two, move on to the next position.

1. Cradling the Head, Holding the Feet

Purpose: To establish connection. This is a very comforting position that encourages a feeling of safety and “letting go.”

Practice: Without lifting or moving the head in any way, the leader gently cradles the client’s head, placing fingers along the sides of the neck and on the occipital bone, thumb resting very lightly on the temple above the ear. Do not cover the ear, and be especially aware of hearing aids. Partner gently takes hold of the client’s feet, with fingers under the arch and thumbs lightly on top of the instep.

  1. Clearing process

Purpose: To prepare the body for healing. This part of the sequence helps to clear the energy field of tension, emotions and toxins and has a calming effect.

Practice: Facing the head of the table, both partners hold their hands above the client’s body with wrists high, fingers spread and hanging down, relaxed. Hands move slowly, in a continuous movement from head to foot, imagining that the fingers have extensions of light that enter the client’s energy field. This is done five times, shaking off the hands at the end of each pass.

Note: If others are in the room, be sure no one is at the foot of the table where the negative energy is released.

  1. Crossover Positions

Purpose: To encourage a sense of balance and centering and the warm feeling of being held. For many clients, this is a favorite part of the session.

Practice: 1. Upper hand hold client’s hand (leaving it on table), while lower hand reaches across body to hold opposite foot, under the instep. 2. Upper hand moves to client’s nearest shoulder and lower hand reaches across body to opposite hip.

The key to success of these positions is matching placement of both partners’ hands with the same lightness of touch and in the same position on the body.

In the hand/foot position, healing partners’ hands should be palm to palm of hand and palm to sole of foot. Placement should be the same with both partners. However, do not change hand position once it is placed. In the shoulder/hip positions, touch can be a bit firmer than in other positions to enhance the feeling of being held.

  1. Shoulder Sandwich

Purpose: To remove tension from the shoulders.

Practice: Slide the upper hand which is already on the shoulder under the shoulder. Place the other hand on top of the shoulder to cup shoulder.

  1. Brushing off arms and legs

Purpose: To remove tension from arms and legs. These movements facilitate a sense of nurturing and release. They are the midpoint of the sequence, and a deeper relaxation can often be observed from here on.

Practice: When brushing off the arms, both hands begin at the shoulder joint and end with the outer hand going under the client’s palm, the other over the top of the hand. When brushing off the legs, begin with both hands at side of hip, and at the knee, let the lower hand come down over knee, both hands contenting down to the feet in a sweeping motion which engulfs the entire foot, top and bottom. In both arms and legs, the movement is fairly quick and smooth, and is not a sense of caressing. There needs to be briskness about it. Shake hands off at the end of each pass.

  1. Foot to head connection (Including the chakra connections)

Purpose: To bring all systems into balance and harmony and facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body, from ankle to crown. This sequence brings a deeper sense of relaxation and allows the whole system to open to the body’s wisdom as we focus on emotional and spiritual needs.

Practice: Each position is held at least a minute. These are the connections, hand placed as follows:

  1. Lower hand at ankle and upper hand on knee
  2. Lower hand at knee and upper hand moves to the side of the hip
  3. Upper Hand slides under the hip/waist area, and lower hand rests lightly on the body just above (“sandwich” position). This is a comforting, nurturing hold. It brings energy to the adrenals and kidneys.
  4. Lower hand moves to wrist and upper hand to elbow.
  5. Lower hand moves to elbow, upper hand slides under shoulder.
  6. Upper hand stays under shoulder; lower hand is placed on top of shoulder, creating another “sandwich position.”
  7. Leader moves Lower hand above the pelvic area; upper hand moves above the solar plexus area.

                Follower moves Lower hand above the sacral area and upper hand moves above the heart area. All four hands are now positioned over the torso.

  1. Leader moves right hand above the crown at the top of the head and raises left hand, palm up to symbolize the sacred connection with the true Source of healing;

                Follower moves lower hand above throat area and moves upper hand above the brow.

  1. Individual work

At this point, partners may give extra attention to any area that they sense, or that the client has indicated to be of special concern.

  1. Blessing Step: Smoothing the Energy Field

Purpose: To seal and bless the healing that has just been completed.

Practice: Hands move in unison above the body from head to foot in a flowing motion, 3 times.

  1. Crown spread

Purpose: To shift the focus from the body to the soul and to provide a deeper connection between partners and an inward expression of gratitude.

Practice: Leader at head, partner at foot. Leader places hands curved above client’s head (not touching client), with fingers touching and hovering about 3 inches above brow, thumbs touching above the crown, forming a “window”. Partner meanwhile holds hands open at bottom of the feet, not touching.

  1. Head Cradle- Holding the Feet

Purpose: To return to the beginning as a form of completion and to bring the client back to the here and now by grounding the energy.

Practice: Leader cradles the head, as in the beginning, with the gentlest, lightest touch, fingers under client’s head at base of skull or occipital ridge and thumbs in front of ears. Follower holds the feet lightly, than presses with thumb a spot in the hollow between the ankle bone and heel to seal the body’s energy.

  1. Namaste

Purpose: To bring to the healing process a strong sense of gratitude, connection and completion between the partners.

Practice: Both partners, with a spiritual focus and intention, spread out arms as if embracing the client’s entire energy field, then bringing hands together in a  brief namaste to honor each other and move to the side of the table and repeat.

  1. The Closing Prayer

Purpose: To express thanks for the healing which has taken place and to gently bring the client back to the awareness that he is surrounded by love.

Practice: Both partners pick up client’s hands (as at the beginning) and the follower now offers a brief prayer of gratitude for the healing, for the Presence felt, and for the continued blessing of the client (by name). Partners then step back from the table and wait until the client opens his eyes.

At the End

After completing the healing process and the final prayer, when the client is ready to move, suggest that she sit, and help her up slowly by rolling over onto her side and sitting on the side of the table, legs hanging down.

One partner will then manage her back with long strokes down the back and arms.

The other partner can massage the legs and feet, using long firm strokes, as she chooses, or may simply offer water to the client when the back rub is finished. When the client gets off the table, a hug with the partners and the client is very appropriate and is a final indication of the care and connection that occurred.

The client may or may not share something about the experience.

Do not ask, “How do you feel?” The feeling may not yet be identified. In any case, extended conversation at this time is not recommended.

It is very important that you not allow the client to sit up or jump down from the table too quickly, as people often feel light-headed after the healing session. Suggest that they sit quietly for a few moments (or a long as necessary) before leaving.

We recommend for most clients a series of multiple healing sessions for maximum benefit.

After the Client has left

Wash your hands and do whatever is necessary to return the healing room to its proper state.

Once again: The most important thing in your work as a healing partner is your intention to bring love to the clients and your desire to be an instrument for their healing.

Begin by centering yourself in stillness and in that stillness affirm your intention. If you are prepared and centered, God will direct you.