

When you are scheduled to participate in healing sessions, please do not wear perfumes, colognes or other fragrances. Many people are allergic or sensitive to scents.

Smoking should not occur for at least an hour before the session (and preferably a change of clothing after smoking is suggested).

Dress appropriately and be sure to wear comfortable shoes (although frequently healers will remove their shoes during the healing session).

If you carry a cell phone or pager, please turn it off or leave it outside the healing room.

Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before your first scheduled appointment so that you will have time to make sure the healing room is prepared and to center yourself.

Preparation of the healing room includes arranging for soft lighting and making sure there are clean sheets and pillows on the table. Water needs to be available. You will also want to ensure that there is a CD in the stereo system in case the client wishes music played during the session. Check the volume at this time, making sure it is unobtrusive.

Remove watch and jewelry, and wash your hands before the session begins.

Connection and Centering are Essential

Allow a few moments of stillness to clear away anxieties and distractions. Focus your energy on your intent to act as a channel for God’s healing energy.

One of the aspects of the process which makes it unique is the joint participation of two healing partners. It is very important that the partners join for a moment in prayerful connection. Take time to connect with your partner. If you have not worked together before, introduce yourselves and establish a connection. Check to make sure that your pressure is well matched (a light touch is preferable) and decide who will take the lead during the session.

Meeting the Client

When client arrives for a healing session, if you have never worked with them before, introduce yourself, . The welcome and warmth that you convey is the first step in the healing process.


You may ask how they heard about our work and what concerns have led them to come. Listening with full and loving attention is a vital part of the healing process. Giving advice, counseling and preaching are not appropriate. And never discuss your own problems. You are simply acting as an aware and compassionate presence. Assure the client that confidentiality is given and is strictly observed. If the client becomes repetitive or indicates that he or she is stuck in a negative pattern, suggest moving on. You might say something like, “It sounds as if you are really in touch with your issues. Let’s get you on the table now and see what we can to do help…” 


What the Client May Expect

Explain briefly what your client can expect during the session. Answer any questions they may have. As you explain that prayer is part of the process, ask what name they are comfortable with in calling upon the Divine Presence. Let them know that you will pray aloud at the beginning and again at the end. It is important that you will pray in a way that is meaningful to them.

Explain that you will be placing your hand sometimes on the body and sometimes just above the body. Ask the client if they are comfortable with touch. If not, the whole sequence can be done with hands above the body. Most people prefer to be touched, but occasionally there will be someone who does not. Be respectful of area which are off limits: breasts, genitals, inner thighs, throat, eyes, and any part of the body in pain. Assure the client that although she may not feel you, you will both be with them throughout the entire healing session.

Ask the client to remove shoes, watches and jewelry (because metal can affect the flow of energy) and help them onto the table. Have a pillow for under the head and a bolster for under the knees and a blanket available if needed.

Let the client know that their task is simply to relax and be open to receive, and that it is OK to move if uncomfortable. Typically to facilitate relaxation, we start with a verbal meditation, as in The Relaxation Response, focusing on the breath (this is not always necessary, as with repeat visits and/or experienced meditators). You are now ready to begin the process.