The Visual Process

Preparation for Treatment

Preparation for Healing

Ask about healing needs:
“What is your name for God?”
“Any special thing you want us to work on”?

Connecting or Circular Prayer

Leader holds partner’s hand over client’s heart.

Follower holds clients hand and Leader’s hand.

Example of Prayer: “Create in this space a circle of love, light, and healing between_____, _____, and ____.”

Prayer of Intention

Address specific needs of client, holding client’s hands and wrists, palm to palm with thumbs locked.

Prayer of Intention

Head Cradle

Leader places fingers on the occipital ridge of client’s head.

Follower holds palms on bottom of feet.

Head Cradle
Follower at Feet
Clearing the energy field
Releasting Energy

Clearing the Energy Field

Clearing the energy field. Both leader and follower start at the head and rake their fingers through the auric energy field above the client all the way to the feet, ending by shaking the energy off their hands.

Perform this raking five times.

First Crossover

First Crossover. Hold hand and opposite foot.

Lower hand is placed on the arch of the opposite foot.

Upper hand is placed on the palm
which is on the same side as the practitioner.

2nd Crossover

Second Crossover. Holding shoulder and opposite hip.

Lower hand is placed on the opposite side of the hip, and upper hand is placed on the same side of the shoulder.

First Shoulder Sandwich

Shoulder Sandwich (first). Lower hand on top of shoulder. Upper hand underneath the shoulder.

Brushing Down Arms

Brush Down Arms.

Starting from the shoulder and proceeding
all the way to the tips of the fingers.

Then shake off accumulated energy.

Perform this action three times.

Brushing Down Legs

Brush Down Legs. From the outside of the hip brush all the way down to the knee, then brush down from the knee all the way to the foot.

Complete this movement by pulling energy off the top and bottom of the foot.

Then shake off energy.

Perform this movement three times.

Ankle and Knee

Place your hands lightly on the ankle and knee.

Lightly means using a very gentle touch. As a leaf drifts down and gently rests on the surface of a pond.

Knee and Hip

Knee and Hip. Move your hands to the knee,
and to the side of the hip joint.

Knee and Hip Areas

Waist Sandwich

Leader slides upper hand under the lumbar region of the waist. Leader places lower hand on the top to the abdomen.

Follower slides lower hand under lumbar region.
Upper hand is placed on abdomen.

Wrist and Elbow

Rest lower hand lightly on the wrist with fingers curling under and touching the pulse point. With a light touch place upper hand on the inner elbow area.

Wrist and Elbow Function

2nd Shoulder Sandwich

Leader places upper hand under shoulder, and lower hand on top of shoulder.

Follower places upper hand under shoulder and lower hand on top.

Lower Chakra Work


Chakras or energy centers to be worked upon: 
Power Center
Heart Center

Your hands are placed above body.

Leader and follower alternate hands, with leader starting at the root chakra.

Higher Chakra Work
Higher Chakra Work

Chakras Two

Energy centers to be worked on:

Crown Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra

Leader places right hand over the Crown Chakra, left hand is raised to receive energy.

Follower places left hand over the Throat Center and right hand over the Third Eye Center.

Optional Special Needs Treatment. If indicated by client.

Closing Steps

Crown Spread Feet

Crown Spread

Not touching the body, the leader holds fingers over the forehead, with thumbs connected and held over the crown, forming a window.

Follower holds hands away from feet, sending energy into feet.

Head Cradle

Head Cradle. Leader in same position as at beginning: fingers on occipital ridge, thumbs in front of ears.

Follower: palms on bottom of feet.

Head Cradle
Head Cradle for Follower


Healers are honoring the energy field. Place hands in pose of Namaste to partner. Perform Namaste from head to toes, then from side to side.

Namaste from Both Sides
Final Namaste


Prayer of Gratitude. This closing prayer is performed by the follower holding the client’s hands and wrists, palm to palm with thumbs hooked.

Grounding. This is performed with back rub and lower leg rubs. Assist client to sit up, legs dangling from the table, while partners ground the client.

End. Leader and Follower should assist client off of table. Unless client has mastered the art of levitation, make sure step stool is placed and made available for client. Then provide some bottled water to client,